OzarQ: The first Devlog

Hello and welcome to whatever this is!

You're probably asking yourself a few questions, what is Ozarq, why is this in GM, why aren't you doing this in EngineXY, did I leave the refrigerator open?

I'm going to answer some of these questions, the others, not so much ;)

So OzarQ is like my latest love child. It's a tool that I've been working on to allow GM developers to easily add great-looking, fully interactive 3d environments into their games without having to write mountains of code or fiddle around with using the room editor to make 3d content (it's a nightmare).

Yep, fully interactive. Doors, buttons, switches, pools of water, slime, or lava, moving platforms, everything either does work, or will work shortly. The main goal is to get full support added for traditional vanilla Quake formatted bsp levels, this is BSP version 29 and 2.0 which greatly increases the level limitations, allowing for larger more complex levels.

Progress is moving along very swiftly, and already the majority of the vanilla Quake entities are supported:

Orange - partially complete

Green - complete enough

Red - not gonna bother

In addition to these, I've already begun implementing some modern BSP enhancements:

  • Rotatable brushes
  • Brushes with alpha transparency
  • misc_models ( allow you to set decorate with static mdl models )
  • Ladders!
  • Breakable walls and brushes ( complete with explosions and debris )
  • Freaking colored fog
  • TGA formatted skyboxes (gm doesn't even support TGA, wtf?)
  • And other stuff that I'm not remembering!

Like most game engines out there, none of these features mean jack if you don't know how to use them. That's why I'll be shipping OzarQ with some gameplay samples to get you started. These samples include a Boomer Shooter ( in progress ), kart racer, 3d adventure platformer, and rpg-lite.

The boomer shooter in progress is your basic Quake-like clone thing. Simple guns with no reloads, just run around, point and click, collect things. I've curated a robust model actor class that allows you to define the various animations in your mdls ( if you choose to use the mdl format for your projects ). This system will allow you to define what frames make up each animation, and will allow you to define actions, or callbacks to be performed either when the frame changes, or continuously while that frame is active. This has been put to use to create the example fps weapon system which currently includes the following weapons:

  • Axe
  • Shotgun
  • Super Shotgun
  • Lightning Gun ( yeah, freaking lightning gun bre )

( It's a wip 💀 )

None of this has been easy, there is still much to do. More features to be implemented, more code to be reorganized, tidied up, and optimized, and more samples to program. If you like what you see here, consider following me, and if you'd like to leave your support, I have several assets and a game for sale and have a ko-fi page where I'll be posting early access demos. https://ko-fi.com/cdlcreative

Thanks for reading the remnants of a madman slapping his hands against a keyboard!

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