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Alchemesh makes creating multiple 3D characters and models smoother and faster. It uses the PyGem library to help you retarget bones and deform meshes with precision. This tool is great for anyone who wants to create multiple characters efficiently.


  • Armature and Mesh Deformation: Transform and retarget multiple armatures and meshes in one go, ideal for fitting outfits to different characters.
  • Vertex Weight Transfer: Ensure consistent deformation by quickly transferring vertex weights between meshes.
  • Shape Key Transfer: Keep facial expressions and other deformations consistent across different character models by transferring shape keys.

How to Use Alchemesh Lite:

  • Select Source Mesh: Choose the base mesh to use for deformation.
  • Select Target Mesh: Choose the target mesh to deform into.


  • Add Armatures and Meshes to Deform: In the deformation panel, add the armatures and meshes. Any object selected will get added to the list when pressing [+], otherwise you can press [+] without an object selected, then press the eyedropper to sample an object in your scene that you want to
  • Set Proxy Level: Control the level of detail for deformation, a lower number is more precise but can take longer.
  • Choose RBF Function: Select the Radial Basis Function (RBF) type, Polyharmonic Spline has the best results and is the current default.
  • Execute Deformation: Click the "Deform" button to apply the deformation. Blender may appear to freeze, but you can check the console for progress updates (This will change in a coming update).
  • Review and Adjust: Make any necessary adjustments for the best results.

Data Transfer:

Did you mess up your mesh and accidentally wipe a vertex group? Did you accidentally overwrite your shape keys?

  • Vertex Groups: Pressing this button will sync the vertex groups (bone weights) from the source model to the target model, ensuring skeletal animations behave as expected.
  • Shape Keys: Pressing this button will copy shape keys from the source model to the target model, overwriting any shape keys that currently exist on the target model. Use with caution.

Use Cases for Alchemesh Lite

1. Retargeting Armatures Across Mesh Variations

Alchemesh Lite simplifies the process of retargeting armatures from a base mesh to any variation of that mesh with precise control. By using the addon, you can:

  • Transfer Rigging: Create a single rigged base mesh and easily transfer the armature to different mesh variations. This ensures that all variations share the same rigging, making animations and movements consistent across all models.
  • Adjust Accuracy: Fine-tune the retargeting accuracy to ensure that the armature fits well with the new mesh variation, while giving you control over how long the retargeting process takes.

2. Morphing Clothing and Accessories

Alchemesh Lite also streamlines the process of adapting clothing and accessories designed for the base mesh to fit any of its variations:

  • Seamless Fit: Design an item of clothing or accessory once, and effortlessly morph it to fit different variations of the base mesh. This saves you from having to rework each accessory for every new mesh.
  • Efficient Workflow: By using Alchemesh Lite, you can create a single set of accessories and automatically adapt them to all your mesh variations, reducing the time and effort required to update each accessory individually.

3. Streamlined Workflow for Multiple Variations

With Alchemesh Lite, you can:

  • Create Once, Use Many Times: Develop a base mesh, rig it, and design accessories just once. Then, transfer these elements to an endless number of mesh variations with ease, allowing you to focus more on creativity rather than repetitive tasks.
  • Maintain Consistency: Ensure all variations of your mesh have consistent rigging and accessory fitting, which is crucial for maintaining uniformity across different models in your projects.

Alchemesh Lite is a powerful tool for efficiently managing and transferring rigging and accessories, making it easier to handle multiple mesh variations and streamline your 3D modeling workflow.

Alchemesh Pro (Coming Soon)

  • MetaHuman DNA Integration: Import MetaHumans into Blender, complete with DNA data.
  • Efficient LOD Management: Manage multiple levels of detail (LODs) automatically.
  • Automatic Synchronization: Make adjustments to LOD0 and sync changes across all LODs and armatures.
  • Advanced Armature and LOD Synchronization: Keep your armatures and LODs in sync with one click.


Buy Now$14.99 USD or more

In order to download this tool you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $14.99 USD. You will get access to the following files:

Alchemesh-Lite.zip 261 kB

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